Check out Hyundai's Conflict of Interest Policy, fill out the form and contribute to ethics and compliance in the company

Hello, employee, this is SARA!

Continuing with my mission to bring everyone more knowledge about ethics and compliance, I came to talk today about our Conflict of Interests Policy.

And, far from bringing a long and time-consuming text here, I want to give some simple examples to help you identify the most common episodes where this occurs.

A conflict of interest arises whenever a person or group has an interest that could affect their ability to make decisions that are in the best interest of the company.

There are several examples of conflicts of interest in companies. Some common examples include:

An employee who has a personal or family relationship with another employee of the company (even worse if there is a hierarchical relationship).

An employee who has a personal or business relationship (other than our Company) with our suppliers.

An employee who has a relevant participation or performance in another company.

An employee who receives gifts or favors of significant value (see our gift policy) from suppliers or customers.

Conflicts of interest can negatively impact companies in many ways. They can take:

1) to decisions that are harmful to the company,
2) the loss of confidence of employees and customers,
3) to lawsuits; It is
4) reputational risks for the Company.

Therefore, being attentive and preventing situations in which this may occur is essential.

To help everyone, we will make available here the annual Declaration of Conflict of Interests 2023 form to be accessed electronically, it must be completed on a computer or smartphone by all employees between 14/8 and 29/9.

Point your cell phone camera at the QR code or CLICK HERE to fill out the 2023 annual Conflict of Interest Declaration.

and check out the Conflict of Interest Policy.

Participation is mandatory.

I count on your collaboration to read and sign the document, in addition to spreading the culture of combating conflict of interests.

With your help, Hyundai can be an even more interesting, ethical and transparent place. I count on you!