
14. Gifts and Hospitalities

No employee or member of his/her/their family shall accept, in the same calendar year, a gift, hospitality, favor or discount in excess of that established in Hyundai’s internal policies from suppliers, service providers, dealers or other partners who maintain or intend to have business relations with Hyundai.

Employees must return gifts that do not conform to this Code or any Hyundai policy along with an explanatory note on the company policy. If it is not possible or practical to return these gifts, the Ethics and Compliance team should be consulted to determine the destination and/or best action to be taken on a caseby-case basis. If the member of the company is not sure about the suitability or not of the gift received, he/she/they should look for the Ethics and Compliance team, or its management to clarify its doubts.

Gifts or souvenirs of inexpressive values, such as notebooks, pens, key chains, cups or caps with the supplier’s logo can be accepted, as long as there is no prohibition from the leadership.

Acceptance of entertainment (including football, golf, and other sport or cultural events) or other benefits to employees (or a member of the employee’s family) from current or potential business partners may influence or raise questions about recipient’s impartiality and compromise Hyundai’s reputation for fair treatment.

Laws and special rules apply to government agents. A great deal of caution is required with the offer and payment of hospitality and gifts to national and foreign public agents and/or person to them related (such as spouses, parents, etc.), as this may be understood, depending on the situation, as an undue advantage, not only by the Brazilian Anti-bribery Law (Law 12,846/2013), but also by other laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act

In Pratice:


  • When giving or receiving gifts, hospitality or entertainment, check the intent or purpose;

  • Accept and/or offer gifts that are consistent with usual business practices and serve a specific business purpose;

  • Ensure that accounting records and supporting documentation reflecting attendees, favors and attentions should be properly documented, including clear and adequate description;

  • In case of doubt as to the legitimacy or legality of any gift, favor or hospitality to be given and/or received the Ethics and Compliance team should be consulted before the commitment is taken;

Not Allowed:

  • Do not accept and / or offer gifts of significant value and that may be construed or perceived as a form of bribe;

  • Never give or receive gifts, hospitality and entertainment with ANY IMPROPER PURPOSE, regardless of the value;

  • Avoid situations where gifts, hospitality and entertainment may affect your business judgment or objectivity, or the business judgment and objectivity of another person, or that they coincide (for a time) with business decisions;

  • Never offer anything of value to public servants or persons related to them without first consulting the Hyundai Ethics and Compliance team.

Prezada Família Hyundai,

Nossas ações, individuais e coletivas, são cruciais para que a Hyundai mantenha sua excelência e compromisso em produzir os melhores veículos, oferecer as mais modernas soluções em mobilidade e prover o melhor atendimento aos nossos clientes.
Para abraçar e reforçar este compromisso, criamos a mentalidade de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, em que todos são responsáveis pelos resultados da empresa, não só em termos de lucratividade,mas de valores éticos e de integridade, visando a longevidade e a prosperidade da presença da Hyundai nos mercados do Brasil e das Américas Central e do Sul.

E é com este espírito de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, que tenho a satisfação de apresentar a nova versão do nosso Código de Ética e Conduta da HMCSA, um dos principais pilares que sustenta nosso Programa de Ética e Compliance.
Todos nós, colaboradores, concessionárias, fornecedores, prestadores de serviço e demais parceiros de negócios da Hyundai, temos que estar fortemente comprometidos em seguir os princípios deste Código de Ética e Conduta e usá-lo como guia para as nossas ações e decisões em nome e em benefício de nossa empresa e da marca Hyundai

Contamos com a colaboração de cada um de vocês para juntos, como um único time e com uma única voz, agirmos em unidade para alcançarmos nossos objetivos, sempre seguindo os mais elevados padrões de ética e integridade!


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