
7. Environment

As a responsible corporation, that cares about the future and seeks to create a prosperous and sustainable society, respecting human values, Hyundai established environmental policy to help in the preservation of the environment, striving to:

  • Recognize the environment as an essential element of the business of Hyundai.

  • Defend the social responsibilities, the development and the supply of environmentally friendly vehicles.

  • Devote special attention to environmental impact reduction and preservation of natural resources and energy for sustainable use at all stages of the life cycle of products that are produced in its premises, from development to production, sales, use and consciously dispose of them.

  • Comply with all national and international environmental rules and agreements applicable to its business, pledging to continue improving the environmental management and publicly report the performance of Hyundai.

In Pratice:


  • Use raw materials, energy, fuel and other resources that have been validated by the Environment team, following instructions that have been provided, and always in an economic and efficient manner;

  • Work in compliance with the laws and company’s policies and procedures in relation to the protection of the natural environment and the development of environmentally friendly working environments;

  • Make sure you are familiar with the Company’s policies and procedures in relation to complying with environmental legislation and regulation, as well as the policies and procedures relating to creating and maintaining environmentally friendly workplaces;

  • Raise any suggestions you may have about ways in which the Company may develop its strategies and policies regarding the environment;

  • Inform the Ethics and Compliance team in case any environmental procedure is not attended or if any harmful effect is found in the workplace in order to prevent and remediate any situation that does not comply with Hyundai’s policies and objectives.

Not allowed:

  • Do not neglect and/or disobey the work safety and environment rules;

  • Do not ignore actual or potential issues you identify regarding the impact working practices may have on the environment;

  • Do not breach any environmental practices to save time. It is important that all employees take the time to make sure that they comply with Hyundai’s policies regarding the environment;

  • Do not underestimate environmental issues because they have a relevant part to play in ensuring a quality workplace, that is safe and environment friendly. In addition to the impact that these matters may bring to the community and the surroundings of Hyundai, there is also a risk to the company’s reputation.

Prezada Família Hyundai,

Nossas ações, individuais e coletivas, são cruciais para que a Hyundai mantenha sua excelência e compromisso em produzir os melhores veículos, oferecer as mais modernas soluções em mobilidade e prover o melhor atendimento aos nossos clientes.
Para abraçar e reforçar este compromisso, criamos a mentalidade de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, em que todos são responsáveis pelos resultados da empresa, não só em termos de lucratividade,mas de valores éticos e de integridade, visando a longevidade e a prosperidade da presença da Hyundai nos mercados do Brasil e das Américas Central e do Sul.

E é com este espírito de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, que tenho a satisfação de apresentar a nova versão do nosso Código de Ética e Conduta da HMCSA, um dos principais pilares que sustenta nosso Programa de Ética e Compliance.
Todos nós, colaboradores, concessionárias, fornecedores, prestadores de serviço e demais parceiros de negócios da Hyundai, temos que estar fortemente comprometidos em seguir os princípios deste Código de Ética e Conduta e usá-lo como guia para as nossas ações e decisões em nome e em benefício de nossa empresa e da marca Hyundai

Contamos com a colaboração de cada um de vocês para juntos, como um único time e com uma única voz, agirmos em unidade para alcançarmos nossos objetivos, sempre seguindo os mais elevados padrões de ética e integridade!


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