
5. Diversity and Inclusion

Hyundai embraces diversity and believes that through differences we achieve our mission in an efficient, creative and collaborative way.

Therefore, Hyundai does not tolerate any practice of discrimination on the basis of cultural or ideological differences, disabilities, gender, color, ethnicity, nationality, origin, political convictions, religious beliefs, age, marital status, union status, social class, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other condition that generates a practice of discrimination.

In our recruitment processes, the company’s policy is to offer employment to candidates who have the best qualifications that fit the job requirements without any form of discrimination.

If the employee becomes aware of, witnesses or considers that he/she/them has been discriminated in the workplace, he/she/them should immediately report the situation through the Ethics Line, Hyundai’s official denunciation channel.

In Pratice:


  • When involved in recruitment or promotion, review the requirements of the role and of the candidates to ensure there is nothing potentially discriminatory. Ensure no potentially discriminatory questions are asked (ex: sexual orientation, religion, political position, etc). It is recommendable to prepare these questions in advance;

  • Seek guidance immediately if you have any queries or concerns related to anything addressed about discrimination;

  • Treat everyone with respect, inside and outside of Hyundai’s facilities, and do not discriminate people based on cultural or ideological differences, disabilities, gender, color, ethnicity, nationality, origin, political convictions, religious beliefs, age, marital status, union status, social class, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other condition;

  • Respectfully reprehend and immediately make stop any discriminatory action, practice or joke from your subordinates or co-workers, encouraging dialog and comprehension of all involved;

  • Follow all Hyundai policies, procedures and processes following the company´s values.

Not allowed:

  • Do not act in a discriminatory manner on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religious creed, age, marital status, nationality, party political choice, social status, physical characteristics of persons, or any other forms of discrimination;

  • Do not turn a blind eye to any discriminatory practices or actions;.

  • Do not make assumptions about an employee or employee’s ability to engage in activities because of their race, sex or other characteristic which could result in them being excluded or denied access to opportunities;

  • Refrain from criticize or pass judgement on a persona due to their appearance, beliefs or positions despite of your own beliefs and opinions.

Prezada Família Hyundai,

Nossas ações, individuais e coletivas, são cruciais para que a Hyundai mantenha sua excelência e compromisso em produzir os melhores veículos, oferecer as mais modernas soluções em mobilidade e prover o melhor atendimento aos nossos clientes.
Para abraçar e reforçar este compromisso, criamos a mentalidade de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, em que todos são responsáveis pelos resultados da empresa, não só em termos de lucratividade,mas de valores éticos e de integridade, visando a longevidade e a prosperidade da presença da Hyundai nos mercados do Brasil e das Américas Central e do Sul.

E é com este espírito de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, que tenho a satisfação de apresentar a nova versão do nosso Código de Ética e Conduta da HMCSA, um dos principais pilares que sustenta nosso Programa de Ética e Compliance.
Todos nós, colaboradores, concessionárias, fornecedores, prestadores de serviço e demais parceiros de negócios da Hyundai, temos que estar fortemente comprometidos em seguir os princípios deste Código de Ética e Conduta e usá-lo como guia para as nossas ações e decisões em nome e em benefício de nossa empresa e da marca Hyundai

Contamos com a colaboração de cada um de vocês para juntos, como um único time e com uma única voz, agirmos em unidade para alcançarmos nossos objetivos, sempre seguindo os mais elevados padrões de ética e integridade!


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