
17. Anti-Corruption Policy

Hyundai takes an ethical and law-abiding stance, combating all forms of corruption or bribes in the performance of its activities, and does not establish or maintain business relationships with partners who engage in corrupt practices.

Hyundai employees and people to them related should never offer, make or accept any kind of bribe, in their professional relations with public agents or business partners.

All suppliers, service providers and dealers of Hyundai shall expressly oblige themselves, by means of a contractual clause, to follow the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Law (Law Number 12.846 / 13) and their respective regulations, as well as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, – Act, 15 US.SC 7cc-1 et seq. – (“FCPA”) of the United States of America.

Should Hyundai or any of its employees be aware that any Hyundai service provider, dealer or business partner is involved in corrupt practices or bribery payments, it shall immediately take all necessary steps to discontinue the business relationship and when requested, cooperate with the authorities in what is necessary to combat any and all infractions to the law.

In Pratice:


  • When acting on behalf of Hyundai, always observe the applicable legislation, in particular the Anti-Corruption Law (Law no. 12.846/13) and its regulations;

  • Consult the Legal Department and the Ethics and Compliance Team for more detailed guidelines and rules and make sure you follow them;

  • Stay alert to the risks of bribery and corruption;

  • Seek additional guidance from the Legal Department and the Ethics and Compliance team immediately if you are asked to do something that bothers you, seems unusual, or you suspect to be illegal.

Not Allowed:

  • Never give gifts or other courtesies to any public official, national or foreign, without first consulting the Legal Department and the Ethics and Compliance team.

  • Never offer, promise to pay, pay or authorize payments of value or any other goods or undue advantages to any agent, public official, national or foreign, or any related person;

  • Never hold meetings with public bodies or agents unaccompanied and in a suspicious environment without the knowledge of your managers and without consulting the Legal Department and the Ethics and Compliance team;

  • Do not engage in any activity or transaction that could lead to a violation of the Code of Ethics and Conduct or any locally applicable laws and regulations;

  • Do not be persuaded by others to do something that you suspect might be inappropriate, contrary to Hyundai policies or illegal, even if “everyone is doing it” or “have done it in the past”;

  • Never try to induce someone to do something improper or illegal, even if “everyone is doing it” or have already done it in the past;

  • Do not ignore, unjustifiably delay or fail to report any concerns you have about improper or illegal activities;

  • Never prevent, hinder or prejudice, in any way, the action of public authorities.

Prezada Família Hyundai,

Nossas ações, individuais e coletivas, são cruciais para que a Hyundai mantenha sua excelência e compromisso em produzir os melhores veículos, oferecer as mais modernas soluções em mobilidade e prover o melhor atendimento aos nossos clientes.
Para abraçar e reforçar este compromisso, criamos a mentalidade de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, em que todos são responsáveis pelos resultados da empresa, não só em termos de lucratividade,mas de valores éticos e de integridade, visando a longevidade e a prosperidade da presença da Hyundai nos mercados do Brasil e das Américas Central e do Sul.

E é com este espírito de UM SÓ TIME, UMA SÓ VOZ, que tenho a satisfação de apresentar a nova versão do nosso Código de Ética e Conduta da HMCSA, um dos principais pilares que sustenta nosso Programa de Ética e Compliance.
Todos nós, colaboradores, concessionárias, fornecedores, prestadores de serviço e demais parceiros de negócios da Hyundai, temos que estar fortemente comprometidos em seguir os princípios deste Código de Ética e Conduta e usá-lo como guia para as nossas ações e decisões em nome e em benefício de nossa empresa e da marca Hyundai

Contamos com a colaboração de cada um de vocês para juntos, como um único time e com uma única voz, agirmos em unidade para alcançarmos nossos objetivos, sempre seguindo os mais elevados padrões de ética e integridade!


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